Site Disclaimer


Except where otherwise noted all content on Down Under Geek is copyright of Michael Cogan. The main exceptions to this are as follows:

  • Posts by guests or those who I invite to contribute to this blog remain the copyright of the authors and these will be noted accordingly with their permission.
  • Comments will remain the copyright of the commentors
  • Re-blogs remain the copyright of the original authors.
  • Images & graphics sourced from other locations will be credited appropriately.


While I welcome comments to my blog I do reserve the right to moderate comments on my site for appropriate and acceptable content. Comments which I deem to be not meeting to an acceptable standard of respect, appropriateness and courtesy will either be edited or deleted.

I reserve the right to edit this comment policy as required.


As part of this blog I will be reviewing episodes of TV shows, some movies and books. While I will always attempt to avoid putting spoilers or major plot points in my reviews this may not always be avoidable.

Media that I review that has been available for general consumption for a period of longer than 5 years from the date of the review being written will be considered outside of the spoiler free zone.

I reserve the right to edit and alter this disclaimer at anytime